Curriculum and Assessment
Creative Curriculum
The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning. The goal of the Creative Curriculum is to help children become independent, self-confident, inquisitive and enthusiastic learners by actively exploring their environment. The curriculum is one of the New Jersey Department of Education’s four recommended curricula.
The preschool system is based on 38 different objectives for development and learning, and offers educators daily opportunities to individualize instruction. These research-based objectives are the heart of the curriculum and define the path teachers take with children in their classroom.
The philosophy behind Creative Curriculum© is built on theories of development in young children, that all children learn through active exploration of their environment and therefore the environment plays a critical role in learning. It is built on the importance of using developmentally appropropriate practices that match how children develop and learn so as to promote their optimal development and learning. Early childhood educators make informed decisions about their teaching with an understanding of child development and expectations, interest of the children, strengths and areas of growth, and the cultures of each child’s family and community.
The curriculum is rooted with five key principles that guide and support the intentional setup of the environment and other programs aspects. These principles include positive and supportive interactions and relationships, a constructive, purposeful play based approach, teaching of social-emotional competence, a quality physical environment, and family partnerships. All of these principles influence an understanding of development and learning and are essential to a child’s physical structure of the brain.
The Morris School District is driven with a comprehensive strategic plan, The Way Forward, in which it is committed to ensuring each student entering Kindergarten will meet or exceed standards in all core subjects by the end of 3rd grade. The Preschool Program will support this plan with a rigorous developmentally appropriate curriculum and an assessment program that deepens our knowledge of each student in all areas of development and learning. With Teaching Strategies GOLD, the 38 objectives inform every aspect of teaching, include predictors of school success, and are aligned to the New Jersey Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards as well as the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Throughout the day teachers use observation to collect anecdotal notes, and other forms of evidence such as work samples, pictures, and video interactions between peers and with teachers. This information is carefully analyzed to identify areas of strength and growth in each student, inform instruction, create lesson plans, and guide individual learning.
The study approach is a method of integrating content learning through children’s investigations of a meaningful topic. Children raise questions about the topic, and through exploration and discovery they find answers to their questions. Plus, the study approach not only allows children to gain a deeper understanding of the topic but also encourages them to develop skills across all domains as they apply the investigative process.
Teachers will be receiving ongoing professional development to support the implementation of the curriculum. In addition, we have support staff that will also provide individualized coaching opportunities throughout the school year.
Parent involvement:
Opportunities for involving families are built into The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool. The resources and guidance embedded throughout the curriculum help teachers build essential bridges between school and home and create meaningful partnerships with families. Guidance and support for including families are built right into daily plans, with regular opportunities to invite and include family participation.
Preschool Program Specialists:
PIC: (Preschool Instructional Coach)
Master Teacher/ Coaches provide and maintain high levels of quality by helping and supporting preschool teachers. They visit classrooms on a regular basis to coach and provide feedback to teachers to improve teaching practices through the reflective cycle. Coaches use performance-based assessment data and results of structured classroom observations to determine and support a high level of curriculum implementation, plan specific goals and training opportunities, including, but not limited to, modeling classroom practices and lessons, facilitating PLC meetings, and planning and implementing workshops.
PIRT: (Preschool Intervention and Referral Team Specialist)
Through the implementation of a positive behavior support plan (PBS), the PIRT specialist provides support and suggested interventions to teachers so that all children can succeed in the classroom.
The PIRT Team/Committee assists preschool staff in addressing children’s persistent challenging behaviors through the use of strategies and interventions. This team may include teachers, master teachers, behavior specialists, psychologists, learning disability teacher-consultants, school social workers, speech and language pathologists or other specialists.
The Social Worker is responsible for promoting preschoolers’ social and emotional growth through collaboration between the school and home. They will focus on in-class lesson plans that support early childhood social-emotional development and age-appropriate sexual abuse prevention and awareness education.
CPIS: (Community and Parent Involvement Specialist)
The CPIS or Parent Liaison oversees the district’s family services. The CPIS is responsible for facilitating the community needs assessment, organizing family involvement plans and activities, and coordinating work with other school district professionals and community agencies and providers. The CPIS also supports staff and parent education needs around children’s social-emotional health, restorative practices, culturally responsive teaching, and challenging behaviors.
Click here for more information on the Creative Curriculum.